By Anusol

Anusol Suppositories Internal Relief 12 Count

Regular price Rs. 0.00
Regular price Sale price Rs. 0.00
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Anusol suppositories work to treat symptoms of internal piles or hemorrhoids, including itching or swelling in the area inside and around your anus. They also help to provide protection for raw parts of the affected area.

  • Shrinks piles
  • Soothes Itching
  • Relieves pain and discomfort

Anusol contains three ingredients that treat piles. The first is Zinc, which is an antiseptic that helps reduce bacterial growth in the area and helps to reduce swelling. Next, we have Balsam Peru, another mild antiseptic that helps to protect your sore areas. Finally, there is Bismuth oxide, an astringent and antiseptic which protects irritated areas around your anus.

Product Details

Anusol Suppositories Internal Relief 12 Count

Brand: Anusol
Regular price Rs. 0.00
Regular price Sale price Rs. 0.00